Wednesday, November 28, 2007

feeling 27

So I turned 27 yesterday and I am already feeling it. I had a fun day with some great surprises but by the end of the evening my throat was bothering me, my head hurt, and my body ached. I felt mostly the same when I woke up this morning and I was teling Hillary that I am feeling my age! It is strange to be in my late 20's. I know you have to age and that everyone who's older than 27 is thinking, "just wait" till you reach___." I don't know why getting older is hitting me more this year, but it is.

Monday, November 19, 2007

zeroing in

It looks like everything is coming together for me to take my ordination exams in late December. This has been a long process and it is exciting to be drawing to a close but there is a lot to do. I'm memorizing all sorts of things, like where you could read about Gideon, the years David was King of Israel, and differing views of God's decrees. Some of this is will be very usefull and other parts I will likely forget after the exams. It is exciting to prepare and go back over all this stuff I learned in Seminary, but it can be a little overwhelming at points. I also need to write a paper or two, so pray for me - the written materials are due by Christmas.
Hillary and I are heading down to my parents for Thanksgiving so that will be great. Seeing friends and family, eating good food, and time to just relax - we are both looking forward to it.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

some long awaited pictures

So here are some pics from the past few weeks. I'll give some captions with each:
Here is Hillary's Uncle George helping celebrate her Dad's birthday when she visited in September. Yes, he is using a blow torch to light the cake.
This is our dinning room upon first arriving. This is my dad and I putting the finishing touches on as we install a new chandelier. The room is a lovely red.

Next is the living room in progress. It is a fun yellowish green and I am wearing a hat so I don't get paint in my hair. At various times Hillary and I will finish painting and be out and about suddenly realizing that we have paint in some unknown spot. My favorite was the splotch of paint we saw behind Hillary's ear - I think I noticed at Crate and Barrel. The reason you don't see Hillary in many of these pictures is because she is always the one who remembers to take pictures. She does lots of the work but won't get the credit online.

This is one of our favorite cows in the West Hartford Cow Parade. It is called meloncowly - hahaha. West Hartford is joined by Istanbul, Marseille, Milano, Copenhagen and other cities as they currently host cow parades. It is funny to see West Hartford on that list.

Last but not least is Hillary (finally a picture of her) as Dad shows her the controls on his new four wheeler. We both took cruises around the farm and had a blast. I was almost trapped in the corn field you see in the background. I was going down this path trying to get back to the house and it kept getting narrower and narrower until I was afraid of running the corn over. I couldn't get into reverse and was feeling a bit foolish, but it all got worked out. We went to Hillary's Dad's to relax for a day and then Hillary helped him out at a craft fair down in Albany, NY. The last picture is the set up for the craft fair.

This was quite a lengthy post, but we've had it coming since there have been all sorts of fun pictures we haven't shared.

Monday, November 5, 2007

mondays are tricky

This was a pretty cool weekend: youth bonfire type thing Friday night and my parents in town the rest of the weekend. We painted our living room a fun green color (we need to post some pics) and got to enjoy time together. Saturday morning was the second week of a guys bible study which I am leading. It is a blast.
Monday is an odd thing to know what to do with. I see lots of people on Sunday so it seems kinda repetitive to get coffee or hang out on Monday, but by mid-afternoon I am largely demotivated as I stare at my computer screen or page through another book. I realize that connecting with people and being around them is important for me but I haven't figured out how that needs to happen on a daily basis. I am working things out with my schedule so I am with people and seeing them most days of the week, but Monday has eluded me so far.