Now, fastforward nine years and the reality of the demonic is something I can't get away from. I'm still working on a very practical belief in angels and how they fit into the story of God and his people, but I'm convinced about the demonic. This has been a process, that has been solidified through learning, faith, and experience. As I've continued growing in Christ and serving him I'm seeing more and more of the dark side of the spiritual world. While this came up some in seminary, it has been my time in New England and my three weeks in Africa, where I've run into this the most.
When people talk about the demonic we can tend to think of wierd supernatural stuff like we see in the movies. This is a part of it, but there is also the subtle deception, accusation, and slander that come from the devil and his minions. What I'm trying to do is fit these different pieces together. Right now I'm reading a book (see picture) on the demonic and it has been very interesting. Though I don't agree with the author on everything he is helping me pull together things that I have observed, but not realized, and then connect this to what we see in the bible.