Wednesday, August 1, 2007

what to say...

So, it has been a difficult week. I feel like the yo-yo, lots of up and down. I'm more of a stable type of person, yet emotionally I've been all over the place and it is tiring. It is unnerving to know that in 15mins or half an hour I could be in a completely different mood, and as if yet, can't simply control it. Maybe this is what it is like to be more "emotional?" Whatever it is, I hope I get a better feel for how to ride it.

Presently, we are in St. Louis but are headed to Nashville this weekend. I've been back in St. Louis a week and it has been pretty hectic. We've been looking at houses in Hartford and have so far considered three potential houses, one of which we put a contract on, but it didn't work out. Hillary and I both are feeling the weight of so much uncertainty looming before us. Thus, it has been difficult to connect to each other. Sunday afternoon I was up and she was down, while Sunday night I was down and Hillary was up. (almost funny in retrospect)

Writing online is kinda strange knowing anyone can read this. How do you talk about the harder points of life without just complaining or pretending life is fine?

Anyway, here are a few high points:
-this past saturday, Hillary got her hair cut. She had been waiting a while and now it is short, fun, and looks very nice. I don't have any pictures, but it is similar to this haircut, except for Hillary it's more in her face.

-I've read a few low key fun books by Jenny Nimmo...

-third, I redpointed ( a difficult route at the rock climbing gym today.

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