Monday, June 30, 2008

a fun week

This past week involved a flurry of activity at church as we had a missions team come in from Alabama and teens from our church going on a trip to serve in the city of Hartford. I had various responsibilities for both of these projects and was a little harried going into the week, but looking back it was definitely worth it.
The team from Alabama lead a children's program in the North End of Hartford, helped train children's ministry workers, and connected with people at our church. The children's program went well after we figured out that we needed to move the start time from 9am to 11:30am.
Five teenagers from our church participated in the Hartford Project, also serving in the North End of Hartford. There were about 140 of us from 10 different churches who, through various service projects, prayer, and loving the community were able to make an impact on a really tough part of the city. It was exciting to be a part of and see God work. There are many neat stories which I will hopefully relay in future posts, but as I had a full week last week, this week I'm going to the poconos with my family for the 4th of July.

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