This past weekend we had the guys and girls overnight retreats. They both went well, except for two difficulties. First, Hillary forgot her suitcase and had to come back from the hotel to our home and pick it up. The hotel was only about 20 minutes away, but it was rather exciting figuring it all out and keeping track of Wesley. The excitement for the guys retreat was the cold night. It got down to ~19 degrees and we were a little chilly sleeping outside. Around 5:30 in the morning one of the adult volunteers got up, started his car, turned on the heat and warmed up in there. Once a few other guys realized what he was up to they joined him in the car.
The guys and girls had a great time on their respecitve retreats. The ladies talked about beauty and the theme for the teaching was, "You are uglier than you feared, but more beautiful in Christ than you dreamed." The guys talked about masculinity.
Coming off an action packed weekend, both Hillary and I have been feeling under the weather and it is likely that we have strep throat, or something similar. She went to the doctor's today and I'm headed in tommorow. Fortunately, Wesley hasn't seemed to catch it so that is great.
Finally, we're headed to the Philadelphia area tommorow night so I can attend a counseling conference. We'll stay with my parents, who are close to the conference location and are both looking forward to time with family and a few days away. Another bonus is that a close friend is also attending the conference. I just found out yesterday and am psyched to spend time together and interact about the neat stuff we'll learn.