Wesley continues to be super cute and if you want to see more pictures, check out Hillary's
facebook page.

The Fall is always a special time for me and it takes on greater significance here in CT, than anywhere else I've lived. Here the trees are practically exploding with color. On the way to work there is a tree that looks as if it will burst into flames any moment. You look at these brilliant red leaves and wonder if they will hold that shade and hue any more than the moment. The red is so intense that you think, "If I look away, this shade and hue will be gone. It can't last more than a moment." Winter is also looming, as we had our first frost last night and I had to scrape the ice off the car this morning.
Fall always fills me with a sense of longing. Some of that longing is to be outside and enjoy the beautiful world (
ie. go climbing and camping), but I think there is more to it. I want to hold onto this one moment when we stand on the
precipice, plunging from summer to winter. I don't know if it is even about the shift from summer to winter because I feel the same in spring. I think this verse from Ecclesiastes describes what I'm experiencing: "
He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also, he has put eternity into man's heart, yet so that he cannot find out what God has done from the beginning to the end."
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