Monday, April 26, 2010

Birthday week

This week is action packed as Wesley turns one on Thursday, Hillary has her birthday on Friday, and family comes in town on Saturday for a little party. I'll put up pictures of all three next week. It has been a fast year. Hillary and I were talking over lunch today and she was looking back through her journal to last year when Wesley was born. It is amazing to think of this helpless little person, who is now roaming around the house and getting in to all sorts of things. Wesley loves to open the bottom draw in our kitchen where we keep all our dish towels. He pulls them out and throws them into the air behind him until the drawer is empty. We've started stocking it with tupperware, measuring cups, spatulas, and a whisk - all of which he loves to pull out, examine and then toss. It is lots of fun. As you think of us this week, please pray for us as there is a lot happening in our family life and with my work. I'm doing a lot of teaching this week and have a bunch of other things to work on. Yet, in all this there is joy.

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