Saturday, September 22, 2007

life in CT at present

Hello friends - it has been a somewhat hectic yet exciting time during our first week in West Hartford. We arrived last Saturday staying primarily with the pastor and his wife, but also with some friends down in Groton, CT until Wednesday when we got into our house. The housing situation has been up and down with the culmination being Wednesday morning at 8:45 still unsure of whether we would be in our home that afternoon when the movers arived with all our stuff. Presently we are renting until the sale is approved by probate court. Our hearing is this Wednesday and they judge who will be presiding is picture to the right. Assuming all goes well we will close no later than Oct. 16th, but hopefully sooner.

Besides working on housing stuff I have been trying to figure out my job here with the church. I've had time with some of the volunteers and got to have coffee with one of the teens on Thursday. I went to presbytery (gathering of Presbyterian elders) on Friday/Saturday and enjoyed meeting many of the elders (guys who lead the church) in the southern New England area. Today I am catching up on various internet related items, at a friend's home - we aren't online yet at our house. I am also living the bachelor lifestyle of staying up late and missing meals since Hillary is in Buffalo, NY singing at a friend's wedding. She'll be back in town Monday afternoon and then we'll be in PA for a friend's wedding next weekend. Thanks for your prayers as we are trying to get settled here.

1 comment:

Peter said...

Glad to hear the positive report, Jarrett!