Monday, March 29, 2010

back on the horse

If you've been checking my blog with any consistency you will have realized that I've been behind the game in writing about Uganda and updating on life. I haven't had time and when I get overwhelmed I can tend to push things off so I don't have to deal with the challenging reality. Well, I'm trying to deal with reality and get back to writing weakly. So, that means I'm not going to type up all my journal entries - I think it would take about 4-6hours to do all this and I'm not sure when I'll have that time.

So, in terms of what has been happening with us, the most exciting thing is following up from the youth retreat we had in early March. There have been some neat connections that have developed from that weekend and we are working to pull in some additional youth volunteers and some teenagers who have been more on the fringes. There have been extra opportunities to teach and preach, which has been exciting but somewhat exhausting.

Outside of work Wesley is a wonderful challenge to both Hillary and I. He is so much fun, but he doesn't stop moving. He loves to be on the go and spend time outside running around, playing in the dirt, and pushing the stroller.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Uganda again

Well, I am still working through my journal typing it up and it's been two months since I've been back. This is much more labor intensive than I thought it would be. Anyway, we are all doing well and getting ready for a full weekend with family in town, people over, preaching on Sunday, and Hillary leading a counseling team meeting.

Early start to Mbale. Alarms didn’t go off for Al or I so Henry came in at 4:15 with a torch (flashlight) and roused us. The electricity had gone off sometime that evening. This happens intermittently. It took us till ~9am till we arrived at Mbale. I missed seeing Kampal and a big forest because it was still dark, but as the sun came up it was really neat to see Uganda. We had good conversation about universal principles and redemptive historical preaching which I need to think through. It was a good and challenging conversation to think through.
Outside of the ride here, it was an amazing and crazy day. We spent time with former Muslims who had converted to Christianity as they told us about their faith and persecution. There was an amazing sense of joy and life among them. When these former Muslims converted they changed their names, taking Christian names and are generally ostracized from their families. Here are some of their stories:
Rachel had a dream in which smoke formed the name of Jesus three times. She tells the man she is living with, and her family but they all dissuade her and tell her not to think of it. She tries to put it out of her mind over the next two months but is increasingly troubled. One day she passes by a church, goes insides, hears the gospel, and is converted. In response her brothers come to her home and burn all of her possessions. Her home has mud walls, a tin roof, dirt floors and three small rooms. You can still see some of the scorch marks from when her brothers burned her things. Despite her poverty and persecution she is full of joy and continues to speak about Christ to her Muslim neighbors.

Beatrice didn’t speak of how she came to Christ, but focused on the trials which have come because of her faith. She was a business women until her brothers came and stole the money she had recently borrowed from the bank for her business’ use. They said that since she is no longer a Muslim she should not have any money from Muslims (or something like that – we heard this all through an interpreter). They took her money, and all of her possessions. She was unable to make payments on her loan so the bank came and foreclosed her home. For about a year she would sleep in the church and cry out to God for his mercy. She prayed that the bank would be unable to sell her home and that he would provide her, somehow, with the money to payback the loan. There was no buyer for her home during the year the bank possessed it and a Christian who heard of her situation gave the money so she could payback the bank. As she is telling us this story she is praising God and speaking of her continued commitment to tell her Muslim neighbors of God’s provision for her.

Tom used to work at a Mosque in a position similar to a janitor. He spoke of the selfishness he observed among some of the leaders who had received some sort of gift for the Mosque (I think it was food), but used it for themselves instead of sharing. He didn’t say how he became a Christian, but spoke primarily of what happened afterward. Some men from the Mosque assaulted him, stripping him naked and beating him. In Uganda, many people only have one set of clothing, so after he was stripped naked he ran to the home of a church member who was able to give him some clothes. Those who beat Tom up also destroyed his crops, and continue to do so when he plants for the next season. He has nine children and struggles to provide for them.

The stories went on and many spoke of their love for Christ despite the difficulties they experience. Not all Christians converting from Islam experience persecution, but in this community that seemed to be the regular experience. One man, who was a sheik even talked about his life being threatened and his need to watch his back as he walks to church. It was an amazing experience to hear these stories and to encourage these fellow Christians in their endurance. Their joy and willingness to suffer – wow. Trying to process the time at the church today: God, keep me from unbelief. You are real and you are the one who has done this. Seeing individuals, then their families, then their extended families converted to Christianity, serving, evangelizing – it puts me to shame.

As we rode into this mountain village to this church service, there were eleven of us in this SUV: two in the front, four in the back seat, and five on these fold down seats in the trunk. There was a vine with about 60 bananas in the back with the five people! There are few people who own cars in Uganda, so transportation is prized. Whenever someone can catch a ride, instead of walking, they do it.

While we were in the mountains we also saw a wedding procession and hung out at the church before the wedding. There was a group of people singing and dancing as they processed about a mile to the church. Many were dressed in traditional garb, and the singing was beautiful. I don’t even know if the wedding had an official start time. Things happen in Uganda when everyone gets there. We joke about things running on Ugandan time which can mean almost anything.

Tonight we’re staying at the Anglican guest house in Mbale. We have our own rooms and there is a shower, which is pretty awesome. My room, and the guest house.

Monday, March 1, 2010

another Uganda post

please see the previous post for info on how I'm writing and for the different characters...

1/21 (again? I think this is when I changed from writing in the morning about my previous day to to writing in the evening about the events of that day)

Dinner tonight was an amazing experience. Bishop Daniel from North Mbali and his wife were there as were a member of the president’s cabinet and the secretary of transportation. These are people Henry has known throughout the years and are currently in positions of power and influence. It was an interesting evening spending time with these Christians in very influential positions within the country. I was impressed by their deep faith in Christ and their desire to see honor God in the position he has placed them in. Before we began dinner the man from the President’s cabinet and the Bishop of North Mbali led us in a song and the lyrics go something like this:
We’re here together again, just praising the Lord.
We’re here together again, in one accord.
Something good is going to happen.
The Lord has something great in store.
We’re here together again, just praising the Lord.
(the Bishop of North Mbale, his wife Perpetua, & the Honorable Dr. Suruma enjoying dinner at Henry's)

It was a wonderful time singing together around the dinner table and after dinner many spoke of what God was teaching them and their hopes and burden for God’s work in their country. As I sat there with these influential people of sincere and powerful faith, I was asking myself, “What am I doing at this table?” I felt out of place but very welcomed. One of the Americans who was dinning with us (he is here planning for a construction project that his church will be conducting later in the year) said that one day he hopes to give Uganda more than he receives. He said, with tears in his eyes, that every time he comes to serve in Uganda he ends up coming home with much more than he has given. Thinking back on this evening Lord, I see that I am too recreational in my Christianity. Forgive and restore me.

This afternoon we had a neat conversation about God working through dreams because one of the guys we were talking with brought up this dream he had had. Henry was saying that one of the ways he has seen God work is to use dreams to bring up unfinished business that God has with us. You can definitely go way to far in putting emphasis on dreams and ending up in all sorts of weird places, but as we talked about the dream this man spoke of as well as some other situations I’ve got a new category to think within.

Oddly enough the night after our conversation about God using dreams I have a weird dream about two guys trying to jump me in the bathroom while I’m at an art exhibit with Hillary. I wake up during an intense part of the dream and think for a while how I would get out of the situation. It was so vivid I could remember the belt buckle of one of the guys trying to get me. Through most of my time in Uganda I had crazy dreams from the Malaria.
Today was pretty low key as we had morning appointments but it was all thrown off by the rain. This is normally the dry season but there was a thunderstorm in the morning and the roads, which are already messy, get even worse. A woman from our church is from Uganda and her sister was supposed to come by that morning and we waited and waited, and then a guy from a local college/seminary that our church supports was supposed to pick us up and we waited and waited. Finally the women arrived and we had tea and then we heard the our ride to the seminary was at the bottom of the hill, but couldn’t make it up (even in his four wheel drive SUV). We had a slippery and exciting walk down the hill (see pictures) and eventually made it to the seminary. It was a really quick trip so we didn’t get to interact with the students but we got a quick tour of the campus (check out the kitchen below) and then hung with a couple that our church helps support financially. We had grilled cheese back at their house and I had a neat time getting to know this couple. The husband was a pastor for many years in San Diego and they retired and moved to Africa to help run this seminary and college. It was neat to hear their story and connect briefly. At dinner tonight there was one of the ministers of state who came over with his wife and we had a wonderful time together. They are both faithful followers of Jesus Christ and are seeking to make an impact on their culture. Lord, make them strong.