Monday, March 29, 2010

back on the horse

If you've been checking my blog with any consistency you will have realized that I've been behind the game in writing about Uganda and updating on life. I haven't had time and when I get overwhelmed I can tend to push things off so I don't have to deal with the challenging reality. Well, I'm trying to deal with reality and get back to writing weakly. So, that means I'm not going to type up all my journal entries - I think it would take about 4-6hours to do all this and I'm not sure when I'll have that time.

So, in terms of what has been happening with us, the most exciting thing is following up from the youth retreat we had in early March. There have been some neat connections that have developed from that weekend and we are working to pull in some additional youth volunteers and some teenagers who have been more on the fringes. There have been extra opportunities to teach and preach, which has been exciting but somewhat exhausting.

Outside of work Wesley is a wonderful challenge to both Hillary and I. He is so much fun, but he doesn't stop moving. He loves to be on the go and spend time outside running around, playing in the dirt, and pushing the stroller.

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