So I've started to volunteer at the Elmwood Community Center. On Monday's I go there from 3~5:30 and help with the after school program for teenagers. Basically it is a place where teens can come and hang out after school. They have an open gymnasium, billiards, Xbox, and various other things. I've gone twice now and it has been good just getting to know different kids. I'll often play basketball and you can tell that I'm not a regular. Everyone else has high top basketball sneakers, snazy basketball shorts, and big baggy t-shirts. The first week I played in my jeans and sketchers, while this week I had indoor soccer sneakers and zip off camping shorts to play in. Trust me - I looked out of place. After playing basket ball (I was rather tired) there were some guys doing break dancing who were teaching others some of the basics. I learned one "stall" which is sort of what you see on this stamp. It is where you hold your body off the ground in a certain position. It is pretty difficult and my legs were waving around while I was doing it. It was a lot of fun and I'm hoping to build relationships with the different folks at the teen center.
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