Monday, March 10, 2008

people and the opera

Last week was a pretty good week of work. My weeks kinda fluctuate between being people oriented and task oriented. Last week was a good mix of both as I was able to connect with different folks over coffee or a meal, as well as move forward on some tasks. I've been getting together with a group of different women who are all experienced in working with children and it has been very helpful. They are full of great ideas and it is encouraging to work together versus working on my own. I also had some good meetings with a few different teenagers. I am getting to know them better and have had some cool opportunities to speak into their lives.

This Tuesday night Hillary and I are going to the opera. There was a special deal where we able to get good seats for pretty cheap. I've never been to an opera before and I'm curious to see what it is like. When were were talking to my parents, my mom was rather surprised that I was going to an opera. Her main points of reference are all those dance recitals of my sister in which I could barely sit still. It was quite a chore getting me there and she is curious how I ended up going to an opera. I'll let you know how it goes. I'm going to try and be well rested so that if it is somewhat dull I don't fall asleep - hahahah. You'll find the basic info at

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