So here is Hillary in all her pregnantness. In the background you'll see the nice yellow walls of our nursery. We've done a little shopping at Baby's R Us (I'm not sure who came up with that store title), and have almost completed our registry. We had our second ultra-sound last Wednesday and the baby is growing at appropriate rates. The only anomoly is the baby's head, which is a few weeks larger than normal. I was excited because I related this to our coming child's above average intelligence. Hillary was dismayed because she's going to have to give birth to the large sized head.
On another note, this was our third or fourth snowy Sunday in the past month. We, (actually I) don't like to wake up and shovel before church, but it keeps happening. It is pretty to look outside after church and see all the freshly fallen snow and I like the excitement of driving on minimally plowed roads, but it makes it hard for people to get there. I think everyone needs to get snow tires - they are amazing.
Last but not least, I got to go snowboarding in VT last week. It was super fun. The mountain was pretty deserted since we went on Thursday and the high for the day was 9 degrees. When we arrived it was -1 outside and we had a chilly chair ride to the top of the mountain. Once we got warmed up, it was a lot of fun. That's about it for me!