Monday, May 4, 2009

first night home

We brought Wesley home from the hospital yesterday and are getting used to life together at home. It is great to have Wesley here and for some reason the adjective "fun" keeps coming to mind. Even though he basically eats, sleeps, and dirties his diapers it is a lot of fun to have him around. It is such a strange and wonderful thing that the mere presence of this person, even though you barely know him and he contributes little, can add so much to life. Now that he is here though, we are trying to get into a rhythm and figure out who does what and when we sleep. I'll try to get some more pictures up this week.


Mary T said...

Hi Jarrett and Hillary,

We are so happy to hear of Wesley's safe arrival and look forward to seeing more pictures of him. Sleep is not the same as before baby's arrival but it will improve in the future. God Bless, Mary and Dean Nairn

Anonymous said...

I am thrilled to hear about little Wesley and thankful that Hillary seems to be recovering well. Look forward to more pictures! love, robyn zampier