During my time in Uganda I kept a daily journal and I'm putting excerpts of it with pictures to help you get an idea of what my trip is like. Here's a few things to keep in mind. Some of this is stream of consciousness writting and isn't all clearly laid out (logically and gramatically, though I do my best). At some point I went from journaling in the morning to journaling in the evening so the dates might fluctuate but it's all here. Also, my journal is a mix of my memories of the day, an evaluation of the things I saw, and talking with God about it. So you'll notice a bit of all of these in my writings. Also, I've interspersed a few pictures.
1/18 En Route to Uganda – Wow.
It was sad and hard saying goodbye to Wesley and Hillary. It is strange to imagine three weeks gone – especially seeing him grow, helping Hillary out, sharing life with her and getting her feedback and encouragement. Flying out of Boston and looking at the city I am reminded of how big it is. And this is just Boston. We’re crossing oceans, flying over millions of lives and so many perish apart from you God. Wow – Lord, then to consider your immensity as the giver and sustainer of all life. Reading about knowing you intimately, it is stunning, almost hard to believe. Lord, draw me to you… can’t sleep – yikes… stayed up too long? Watching an action movie = bad idea. Negative 74 degrees outside the plane, is that with wind chill? Hahaha. Lord, even if I can’t sleep, I rest myself in thee.
1/18 En Route to Uganda – Wow.
It was sad and hard saying goodbye to Wesley and Hillary. It is strange to imagine three weeks gone – especially seeing him grow, helping Hillary out, sharing life with her and getting her feedback and encouragement. Flying out of Boston and looking at the city I am reminded of how big it is. And this is just Boston. We’re crossing oceans, flying over millions of lives and so many perish apart from you God. Wow – Lord, then to consider your immensity as the giver and sustainer of all life. Reading about knowing you intimately, it is stunning, almost hard to believe. Lord, draw me to you… can’t sleep – yikes… stayed up too long? Watching an action movie = bad idea. Negative 74 degrees outside the plane, is that with wind chill? Hahaha. Lord, even if I can’t sleep, I rest myself in thee.
*Schipol Airport, Amsterdam - below. There was this neat European feel that came out in the design, furnishings, stores etcetera, but there is still the ubiquitious McDonalds.

1/20 (lost time in travel)
It is Wednesday morning in Uganda and we are at Henry’s compound. (Henry is Dr. Henry Krabendam a close friend and mentor to my Sr. Pastor Al Baker. Henry has been involved in Uganda for at least 25 years and has a home there since he is there frequently. Dr. K or Dr. Henry as he is called by many Ugandans was a pastor for a while and then a professor at a Christian college teaching in areas like theology, bible, evangelism, apologetics and others.) It is beautiful here. I went to bed about 11 and slept till 8am. I was able to sleep about an hour or hour and a half on the first flight and about two on the second and then stayed awake until evening. On our second flight from Amsterdam to Entebbe Uganda, I woke up as we flew over the Alps. There were these majestic snowy peaks and tracts of cultivated land and concentrated towns deep in these valleys which crisscross the mountains. This was such a pleasant surprise. Then we flew of the Italian coast and the Mediterranean with amazing beaches. Finally we passed over the Libyan/Saharan deserts. This took hours. There were these wrinkles and pockmarks in the sand which reminded me of an old man’s face. I could also see various oases, it was all so vast. At the airport we met Rasheed, who is one of Henry’s business partners and manages his compound. We rode up to the compound in this land rover and it was necessary. The dirt road was full of ruts and we were bouncing all over the places. I wake up rested with birds calling and the sun gently pushing through the shades and there are a million shades of green dancing outside.
1/20 (lost time in travel)
It is Wednesday morning in Uganda and we are at Henry’s compound. (Henry is Dr. Henry Krabendam a close friend and mentor to my Sr. Pastor Al Baker. Henry has been involved in Uganda for at least 25 years and has a home there since he is there frequently. Dr. K or Dr. Henry as he is called by many Ugandans was a pastor for a while and then a professor at a Christian college teaching in areas like theology, bible, evangelism, apologetics and others.) It is beautiful here. I went to bed about 11 and slept till 8am. I was able to sleep about an hour or hour and a half on the first flight and about two on the second and then stayed awake until evening. On our second flight from Amsterdam to Entebbe Uganda, I woke up as we flew over the Alps. There were these majestic snowy peaks and tracts of cultivated land and concentrated towns deep in these valleys which crisscross the mountains. This was such a pleasant surprise. Then we flew of the Italian coast and the Mediterranean with amazing beaches. Finally we passed over the Libyan/Saharan deserts. This took hours. There were these wrinkles and pockmarks in the sand which reminded me of an old man’s face. I could also see various oases, it was all so vast. At the airport we met Rasheed, who is one of Henry’s business partners and manages his compound. We rode up to the compound in this land rover and it was necessary. The dirt road was full of ruts and we were bouncing all over the places. I wake up rested with birds calling and the sun gently pushing through the shades and there are a million shades of green dancing outside.
*Below is Henry's compound and the room Al and I slept in. The whole time we were there we slept under mosquito nets. One morning I found a mosquito had been under my net though the night - yikes!

1/21 It was a neat day yesterday. We (Henry, Al, and myself) had an afternoon of prayer with three Anglican Bishops, 2 archdeacons, a local Presbyterian pastor and a few other folks. The bishops have so many Christians in their dioceses, one has 400,000 people under his care – Wow. It wasa a privilege to spend tim with them, first talking and hearing about their burden for God’s work in their country and then praying together for your work in this world. This encouraged me. All of these men were saved from different backgrounds. One grew up in a pagan environment where his dad was a polygamist (polygamy used to be very common in Uganda, but is waning). Another of the b
ishops grew up in a Muslim family and was converted through his uncle who was a Christian. These are men who have had years of faithful ministry in difficult envirnments and I want to glean from them, but I’m not sure what to ask – or even if asking questions is the way that happens. We spend about 2½ in prayer after lunch and maybe 1½ hours after dinner. As we prayed I saw my unbelief and scoffing that God hears and acts. I need faith, conviction, new desires, the power of the Holy Spirit, and spirituality doesn’t come merely by association. God grow my faith, teach me to pray, lift me up, keep me from evil, help me to see your love in Christ and bless me with more of your Spirit. Fill me, or even just make me hungry. Protect me from the world, the flesh, and the devil, for you are worthy.
*Bishop Daniel from North Mbale Diocese on the left, then Al Baker, then Henry.
1/21 It was a neat day yesterday. We (Henry, Al, and myself) had an afternoon of prayer with three Anglican Bishops, 2 archdeacons, a local Presbyterian pastor and a few other folks. The bishops have so many Christians in their dioceses, one has 400,000 people under his care – Wow. It wasa a privilege to spend tim with them, first talking and hearing about their burden for God’s work in their country and then praying together for your work in this world. This encouraged me. All of these men were saved from different backgrounds. One grew up in a pagan environment where his dad was a polygamist (polygamy used to be very common in Uganda, but is waning). Another of the b
*Bishop Daniel from North Mbale Diocese on the left, then Al Baker, then Henry.
Many things don’t run on time here. Part of it is cultural (a focus on the event happening vs. the time it is supposed to happen) and some of it is technological (roads are bad, cars and taxis break down etc). Our time of prayer started late and through our time in Uganda we would joke around about things running on “Ugandan time” which could mean a half hour late to a few hours. One day we were supposed to be somewhere for lunch at 2pm (which we didn’t know), and we didn’t arrive until 4. But when we got there the food was on the table, and everyone was hanging out waiting for us. So there are some frustrating points when you’re trying to run a conference or get somewhere, but it is also really sweet when people aren’t as rushed and value down time together.
1 comment:
Dear admin, thnx for sharing this blog post. I found it wonderful. Best regards, Victoria...
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