-Hillary and I took four people from church to a counseling conference (Nov 14-17) and we're working on further developing our counseling ministry team. This was an important trip to solidify what we've begun and it will be neat to see what happens as we move into the new year.

-I've turned thirty while spending time with family and friends over Thanksgiving break. It was great to have time with my parents and extended family. Wesley especially enjoyed himself.
-I've worked on plans and goals for ministry in the upcoming year. It has been good to prayerfully create specific objectives that I can work towards in my different areas of responsibility. The biggest challenge will be doing what I've committed to.
-I've finished a great book, Culture Making by Andy Crouch and am processing the thoughts.
-I've had significant conversations about the gospel with individuals who don't believe it yet. This is very exciting and I see some neat opportunities on the horizon.
-We've had lots of people in our home. Hillary threw a surprise party for me this Saturday and 3oish people came by. We continue to enjoy having neighbors, friends, and people from church in our home. Two Sunday's ago we had about eight teens over for lunch and discussion of 1 Timothy 5. It was a delight to be together and to be challenged by the truths of God's word.
-For the next few weeks, life at church is somewhat low key, but then there is a wave that will take me into the new year and we'll have to see where it goes. There is a ministry opportunity at a local college campus and it could be just a small ripple or something much bigger. In talking with the leaders at the church the thought is that I take the surfer approach and start paddling with the wave. If it is a big one, then it will take me and I'll ride it. If not, we'll see soon enough and turn around to paddle out to another wave.
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