Monday, January 28, 2008
a little work on the side...

Friday, January 25, 2008
ordination - not yet

So last weekend I went to Providence, RI for presbytery. Providence is a neat little city. I got to walk around a bit, hang out in a Starbucks and search for somewhat free parking. I had a short meeting with the leadership development committee Friday night and then stayed with a family from the Trinity Pres Providence. They have this cool building downtown that was converted to from an old factory. There is a sanctuary on the first floor. On the second there are classrooms, offices, and open space. The third floor will be condos. Saturday morning I preached a sermon before presbytery started and that portion went well. I was examined on the floor around 3:30 and was off to a good start but fumbled the ball (to use a football metaphor). On part of the theology exam (regarding tongues and prophecy) I talked to much, was unclear, and ended making it worse for myself. The presbytery arrested (stopped) the exam, deliberated (while I was outside the room), and decided that I should come back in April. They passed me on all the other points except for theology. I was somewhat surprised but knew this could happen. It was mainly ridding home that I got bummed out and discouraged. It was a tough experience but I can definately see God's hand in it. So basically between now and the next presbytery meeting in April, I'll be working through this one issue. Outside of a little extra studying, this won't affect my life too drastically over the next few montsh. Thanks to all of you who have prayed for me and encouraged me through this.
Monday, January 14, 2008
a New Nephew and other things

Besides this bit of news life has been pretty uneventful. I am coming to an end of my ordination studying. I am generally prepared for this saturday and just need to work on my sermon a little more. It was a pretty full weekend ministry wise - having teens over on Friday night (only one ended up coming but we had a great time playing Settlers of Catan). Saturday morning was guys bible study then getting ready to teach the teens on Sunday morning. I'm beginning to settle into somewhat of a rhythm and it feels good. It worked out that I was able to go climbing and kayaking last week - it was great!
Monday, January 7, 2008
ordination status - positive neutral

for those of you unfamiliar with the process, it goes like this:
-post seminary you get a call to serve at a church somewhere
-to become a minister the Presbytery (the pastors and elders from Presbyterian churches in that region) has to ordain you
-to be ordained you need a seminary degree, a completed internship, and a few other things (character refrences, theological papers, a sermon, stuff like that)
-there is a specific committee within the Presbytery that does the majority of the work in giving you a written and oral exam, and in evaluating both of these
-if you pass these exams (on bible, theology, sacraments, church history, and church government) the committe recomends you to the presbytyer
-you go before the presbytery and they'll ask you some questions touching on these areas, you'll take certain vows, and they will agree to ordain you
-then there will be an actual ordinatio service, usually at the church you are serving at
Overall, the process has gone pretty well. The leadership development committee, who oversees the process, was very encouraging regarding my written exams. I thought I had done well, but there were also things that I knew I had answered incorrectly or had mixed up some of the details. As I was preparing for the oral portion of the exam I was reading some theology stuff online and realized that I had potentially steped on theological landmine in how I answered one of the question. When the committee brought this up, but it was easily resolved, since I had done further reading and knew how to answer the question better. I passed my oral exams in all areas except theology and my sermon - there are slight things in both of these which I need to tweak. So what I'll do is go before the leadership development committee on the night before the presbytery meets and if everything is ironed out I'll be recommended to the presbytery the following day. So, the studying continues but has somewhat lessened. I hope this makes sense to the many who are unfamiliar with this process (I've been learning a lot of it as I go along).
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