So last weekend I went to Providence, RI for presbytery. Providence is a neat little city. I got to walk around a bit, hang out in a Starbucks and search for somewhat free parking. I had a short meeting with the leadership development committee Friday night and then stayed with a family from the Trinity Pres Providence. They have this cool building downtown that was converted to from an old factory. There is a sanctuary on the first floor. On the second there are classrooms, offices, and open space. The third floor will be condos. Saturday morning I preached a sermon before presbytery started and that portion went well. I was examined on the floor around 3:30 and was off to a good start but fumbled the ball (to use a football metaphor). On part of the theology exam (regarding tongues and prophecy) I talked to much, was unclear, and ended making it worse for myself. The presbytery arrested (stopped) the exam, deliberated (while I was outside the room), and decided that I should come back in April. They passed me on all the other points except for theology. I was somewhat surprised but knew this could happen. It was mainly ridding home that I got bummed out and discouraged. It was a tough experience but I can definately see God's hand in it. So basically between now and the next presbytery meeting in April, I'll be working through this one issue. Outside of a little extra studying, this won't affect my life too drastically over the next few montsh. Thanks to all of you who have prayed for me and encouraged me through this.
1 comment:
Aww, that's kind of a bummer... you'll get through it though! Press on, brother! I was wondering, where does the Presbyterian Church stand on tongues and phrophesy? I grew up in PCUSA and I don't remember hearing much about those two subjects - prophets in the past, yes, but nothing about current times or tongues at all. Just wondering - I'll let you practice on me :)
Grace and Peace,
Marie from SMMJ
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