I had the opportunity to attend a friend's wedding this weekend in Pittsburgh, PA and enjoyed being with good friends from college and of course seeing my friend get married. In the various circumstances connected to the wedding (travel, time of from work, interractions with friends, disruption of normal routine, and returning to a full week) I have this sense of our weakness and frailty. As I think about my own life and look at what is going on with others there is this amazing mix of strength and weakness. There are these good things happening. Life is progressing, positive change, developing relationships, God at work - but I also see how one or two things could bring it all crashing down. Sometimes I look at life and see this stable, growing construction where our lives our being fashioned into something grand, and other times all I see is this house of cards ready to topple. (It is difficult to communicate this without relating the specifics of mine and other people's struggles - something I don't do on the internet.)
When I am feeling the tension between these two poles Hebrews 11 helps stabilize me. It talks about God's great story of joining the followers of Christ with men and women who by faith, followed God. There is all sorts of weakenss and fraility in the lives of these people, yet they are brought into this great big story of God saving the world. Here's one of my favorite parts... "Therfore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for he has prepared for them a city."
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