Monday, November 24, 2008
turkey birthday
This Thursday is pretty awesome because I get to celebrate Thanksgiving and my birthday. I am convinced that the Thanksgiving/Birthday combo is the ultimate in birthday/holiday combinations. There is a large family gathering with excellent food, and you get presents. There aren't other disctractions like fireworks (4th of July), parades (Vetrans Day) or everyone being out of town (Memorial Day). Unlike the Christmas/Birthday combo there is little danger of double gifting (one gift which "covers" Christmas and Birthday). In addition it is generally expected that you will watch football and lie around, both of which I enjoy. As you can probably tell I am pretty excited. The best part will be spending time at home with my family and just relaxing. I've got a few good books packed - two serious and one that's pure fun. I hope you enjoy your Thanksgiving as well.
Monday, November 17, 2008
driving through the night and Admiral Stockdale

I've been thinking about this thing called the stockdale paradox which talks about confronting the most difficult aspects of your present situation while believing that you will eventually truimph. Looking back on the past year of serving Christ in CT and looking forward to the next I am very aware of my need for faith in God. I don't want to be merely optimistic, but to trust God's call and wisdom in leading us here and believe that he will work despite various difficulties.
Monday, November 10, 2008
eating our way through the day

Monday, November 3, 2008
the communion of the saints

"many Americans... in the contemporary church ... treat churches like leased automobiles, trading in the old one in for a new one every five years."
"But after we have done our best to communicate to a lost world, still we must never foget that the final apologetic which Jesus gives is the observable love of true Christians for true Christians"
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