Monday, December 1, 2008

getting on track

I find, that when I'm out of town, even for a day or two it is hard to jump back into the rhythm of things. It is like when I am backing into our driveway and accidentally run up on the logs which mark our flower beds - there is always a few seconds before you can get off. If you jerk the wheel hard and try to get right back on track you can careen into the hedge on the other side, so you just need to ease it back towards equilibrium. With coming and going for Thanksgiving, Weddings, and various other things I'm feeling like it is hard to reach equilibrium. This especially plays out in setting time apart to spend with God and doing the same with Hillary. Self-discipline and intentionality are much harder as life continues to change, but I think I will learn even more about this reality once we have kids - yikes. My mom noted that I often change the subject when she brings up us having a child and how I feel about it. I'm excited and nervous, and realize that however much or little I think about it I will continue to be nervous and excited. Oh well.

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