Tuesday, December 9, 2008

ultra sound

This past Thursday Hillary had her 18 week ultra-sound and we got to see the kido. She or he is healthy and developing fine, but was rather squirmy and uncooperative - Hillary joked that the baby takes after me. While the technician, nurse, and doctor were trying to measure femurs and the nose bone the baby was wiggling all over the place, so it was kinda difficult for them to get accurate measurements. At other points the baby was sitting in such a manner where you could mostly just see his or her feet. It was a good thing we didn't know the sex of the baby because we wouldn't have been able to tell due to her or his position and squirminess. The ultra-sound is more fun in retrospect than it was in person. We were there for a while and it was often hard to tell what we were looking at. I accidentally dozed off for a few minutes (we were sitting in a dark and warm room - that spells trouble for me staying awake). We'll try to scan some of the pictures and put them online for you all to see.

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