I just finished this biography of Edwards by George Marsden and I agree with the Wall Street Journal that it is "magesterial." Marsden is very even handed in how he handles Edwards, helping the reader unerstand his excellencies and weaknesses by bringing us into his 18th Century context. This books is wonderfully written and rarely dry. You get a feel for Edwards, his family, and his times. There were a couple things I got out of this book: First, Edwards was incredibly disciplined. It is amazing to read of all the ways he ordered his life to pursue Godliness. Such discipline is worth striving for. I need to continue growing self-discipline and cutting the unnecessary out of my life. Second, for Edwards it was all about the glory and beauty of God as seen in the face of Jesus Christ. This was a man who, above all else, was captivated with a vision of the ineffible pleasures of Jesus Christ and allowed this compulsion to steer his life. The exciting thing, is that though such a life can seem far off, the same God who filled Edwards' life with light can do so in mine. Third, there was much conflict surrounding Edwards. Some of this was related to his own sin and weakness, but much arose because he was a man of principle and passion. I know that both my strenghts and weaknesses will cause difficulty as I follow Christ. I need to be aware of my failings and sinful tendancies because they will drag me and others down. I also need to understand that conflict will come when I am doing the right thing. Fourth, when God moves in a powerful way it is impossible to know what will happen. During the revival in North Hampton where he was a pastor and through the time of the First Great Awakening the gospel broke loose upon society and truly shook things up. When I pray that God would do the same here and now, I need to realize what I am asking for. Do I truly want my life shaken up? There is so much in this book and in the life of Edwards that we can learn from. I'm so glad I read it.
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