I've been reading this book the past month or two and just finished it yesterday. Hughes
Oliphant Old, which is quite a name, opens up a wealth of information on leading in prayer. You can tell that he has read and thought deeply about public prayer. This books is historical, theological, and highly practical. He looks at the different ways we pray in church and provides a deep analysis of each and then prayers that he has written based off of his studies. What strikes me is both the depth and simplicity with which he composes these prayers. His prayers are not particularly long or drawn out but in their sum cover so much of human life as seen through the lens of the scriptures. This book has shown the path to a deeper practice of prayer and
encouraged me to walk down it.

Yesterday i went to
Nardelli's a well known deli in CT to meet with a college student who was in our youth group. They asked if I wanted the
foot long or the half
sandwich, and being a hungry guy, I ordered the
foot long without hesitation. I'm not sure the picture to the right does the
sandwich justice. It is about four inches wide, four inches tall and a foot long. It is a serious undertaking to try and eat one of these! I was
pleasantly full after eating half, so I had the other half for dinner.
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