At 12:40 pm I left Hartford, CT in a Ford Focus from Hertz, stopped once for a very fast bathroom break and arrived just in time in Newark Delaware to preach at a church's evening service. I didn't estimate how much NYC traffic would slow me down.
We were in Hartfod house hunting and from our experience homes are wiley, elusive creatures that are difficult to capture. Though the "hunt" was not successful we learned alot about the process (like remember to bring your check book in case you want to make an offer -duh). We almost put a contract on one home but after looking at it the next day with a friend we saw some major flaws (a slanted floor with jacks in the basement - yikes) and decided not to go throug with it. We continued driving around and looked at homes with our realtor but also cruised the neighborhoods on our own looking for "For Sale by Owner" signs. On Sunday morning I left for Newark and Hillary stuck around, meeting with our agent and checking out a home before she flew back to St. Louis. The home she looked at seemed like a really good possibility, but we just found out this afternoon that it is under contract. We've been up and down through the housing search and continue to battle agaist discouragement. It was good to stay with Al and Winnie Baker - pastor and his wife. They were great in listening and encouraging us to stick with the search and trust God's provision. We're not sure if another trip to CT is in the works or if we'll wait till we get there and rent till we find a home, but we are presently considering what will be the best strategy. Pray for us.
Preaching at the evening service of EP (evangelical presbyterian church) went well. I came in right as the music was ending and I heard "well we're waiting for the preacher" and there I was. I was praying on the way down that I would make it in time and I just did. I walked in carrying my suit, computer, and notes to find someone handing me the wireless mic and sending me upfront. So I preaced in my shorts, flip flops, and a short sleave shirt in this big white pretty sanctuary. It went well and I had a lot of fun reconnecting with people in DE. Major kudos go to Hillary for her behind the scenes work in helping me on the sermon. If you're interested they should have the auido online at http://av.epcnewark.org/sermons.html
There's plenty more I could say but this is already a long entry, so I'll leave you with part of the text that I preached on: "And Jesus said to him,''If you can'! All things are possible for one who believes.' Immediately the father of the child cried out and said, 'I believe; help my unbelief!'"