Monday, September 15, 2008

ka-boom, but hopefully not

There was this slightly nagging voice in my head a week or two ago, telling me that it has been a while since I've backed up my laptop. I agreed and thought I should do something about it and then put it off. Then Friday night when I went to turn my laptop on I unpleasantly surprised when things did not work. I'm not sure if it is a total loss or if it can be fixed but I'm having it looked at right now.
It is really strange as to how I can feel somewhat lost without my computer, as I am unsure what to do next. I know there were some emails I needed to respond to. I distinctly remember documents I had to print out, and I find myself remembering all these files which I would love to access today. Regardless of how my computer situation works out this is an important week as we have our first Youth Group of the fall, start a bible study, resume volunteering at the Elmwood Community Center, and go before Presbytery on Saturday. We had our kick off event for teens this Friday night and had a great time as 7 kids came over to our house and enjoyed a night of recovery from the school overdose they had been experiencing.

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