Monday, August 10, 2009

this is the day...

Probably my favorite part of being a dad, right now is the mornings. Usually I'm up before Hillary (since I sleep while she nurses during the night) so I'll try to grab Wesley when he first wakes up. Lately he's been on his belly - he rolls over now - and I'll flip him over and say hello as I take him out of the crib. He's usually a little groggy but once I talk to him a little bit he'll start to smile. Then as I'm chaning his diaper I'll sing his morning songs. The first morning song is "This is the day," which has a fun echo and goes like this: This is the day [this is the day], that the Lord has made [that the Lord has made]. We will rejoice [we will rejoice] and be glad in it [and be glad in it]. This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. And then you repeat it. When I start singing this song Wesley really starts to smile and gets all fired up. Singing this song and watching Wesley's response helps me internalize the words and remember that God has given me this day and that because of what Christ has done, I can rejoice regardless of the circumstances.

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