Monday, September 28, 2009


This past Sunday I baptized Wesley and it was an awesome occasion. The pastor asked Hillary and I to acknowledge his need of a savior, to claim Chrsit on his behalf, and to dedcate him to God. It was deeply meaningful to answer yes to all of these questions. Overall, it was a great time of worship at church and we felt very loved by our family as many came to celebrate us. I'll post pictures soon, but haven't downloaded them from our camera yet. Otherwise, life is flowing in a usual sort of pattern. We had our first week of a bible study at the University of Hartford this past Wednesday. It was great to have an mix of guys and girls there, but sadly there weren't any guys from the University of Hartford. The impetus for this effort has been a women's bible study on this campus and now we are looking to reach men on this campus. Presently there isn't anything happening to reach guys on campus and we were hoping this might be effective. It has been good to teach and prepare for this study, but we hope that God will work through it to do something on campus.

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