Sunday, December 16, 2007
shuffleboard, snow and Guido de Bres
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
feeling 27

Monday, November 19, 2007
zeroing in
Hillary and I are heading down to my parents for Thanksgiving so that will be great. Seeing friends and family, eating good food, and time to just relax - we are both looking forward to it.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
some long awaited pictures
Monday, November 5, 2007
mondays are tricky
Monday is an odd thing to know what to do with. I see lots of people on Sunday so it seems kinda repetitive to get coffee or hang out on Monday, but by mid-afternoon I am largely demotivated as I stare at my computer screen or page through another book. I realize that connecting with people and being around them is important for me but I haven't figured out how that needs to happen on a daily basis. I am working things out with my schedule so I am with people and seeing them most days of the week, but Monday has eluded me so far.
Monday, October 29, 2007
kayaking, sleep over, and pad thai

Friday, October 19, 2007
tearing it down
Friday, October 12, 2007
progress on multiple fronts
Monday, October 1, 2007
the jury is in - not guilty

Saturday, September 22, 2007
life in CT at present

Besides working on housing stuff I have been trying to figure out my job here with the church. I've had time with some of the volunteers and got to have coffee with one of the teens on Thursday. I went to presbytery (gathering of Presbyterian elders) on Friday/Saturday and enjoyed meeting many of the elders (guys who lead the church) in the southern New England area. Today I am catching up on various internet related items, at a friend's home - we aren't online yet at our house. I am also living the bachelor lifestyle of staying up late and missing meals since Hillary is in Buffalo, NY singing at a friend's wedding. She'll be back in town Monday afternoon and then we'll be in PA for a friend's wedding next weekend. Thanks for your prayers as we are trying to get settled here.
Monday, September 17, 2007
in town and somewhat settled
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
on the move
Friday, August 31, 2007
we are in
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
wall paper central
It was a lot of fun to see the house and there is great potential. There is so much cool stuff we could potentially do with the house and my mind is kinda swimming in the various details. The one funny thing (or maybe not so funny) is the amount of wall paper we will need to take down. This stairwell, which goes from the 1st to 2nd floor gives you a good idea of the extent of the wallpapering. Fortunately it is not terriblly ugly or audacious.
The house my parents moved into when I was 5 had wall paper that was ~4 layers deep with exciting themes sucha as hunting dogs, shiny metal florals (don't even try to image it), and roses. A killer combination if you ask me.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
"you got to pray just to make it today"

I (jarrett) really want things (housing especially, but also fundraisng and moving) to settle down and be done with. This is probably obvious but I feel stretched and struggling not to"check out" emotionally.
I tend to disengage when I begin to feel anxious and worried. While this may make for a more placid exterior and a more distant sense of fear, it is not a solution and avoids entrusting myself to God. So here we go...
Hebrews 4:14-16
Since then we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus, the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession. For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin. Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.
Monday, August 27, 2007
on the increase

Friday, August 24, 2007
feeling tattered
In working on details for the mortgage to buy a house in CT (see previous post for details) we have hit a snag. One of the various documents we needed to process the mortgage is a letter from the church confirming our salary. In talking to the church they cannot legally give that letter until we are at 75% of our support. The mortgage process is time sensative and if we don't have the letter from the church by the 5th we will probably loose the house.
We just found this out yesterday and were surprised and upset. At first, loosing the house at first seemed almost certain. In getting this house we felt God's leading and blessing because it fit so well what we need and what we had hoped for. When it was thrown back in the realm of "uncertain" it was hard to trust God's hand in the process. As we have talked things over with the mortgage agent, Al (sr. pastor at our church in CT) and prayed we do have hope (and a plan).
We are working to see if we (and the church) can get to 75% by Sept 5h. We're at 41% right now but have individuals and churches who have committed to give but haven't sent in their information yet. We're going to talk to them and get potential commitments to see if we can get close to the 75%. I think the 75% can definately happen and even if we are a little short there is a way it can still work out.
What you can do is pray for us:
1. that we could trust God and love each other amidst difficult circumstances
2. that we could touch base with people who have committted to give
3. these folks would understand, not feel pressured, but respond in a timely manner
4. especially in our conversations with the churches, that God would move the decission process forward.
Here's some good news:
Hillary made yummy cookies (I had two for breakfast and need to learn to be more discreet if we have kids)
I got to go climbing outside yesterday. This is my pile of gear after I got home and dumped it in my study which is an increasing mess.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
What's in Store

I (Jarrett) have been called as an Assistant Pastor of Youth and Families at Christ Community Presbyterian Church (PCA).
We (my wife and I) are headed to CT because this position fits our sense of calling, meets needs within the community, and lines up with the vision of the church.
We have felt called to serve with a church in an area of the country where Christianity is not a dominant cultural force and to work with a population that has more of an urban orientation. Hartford, fits this bill and meshes with our sense of calling in ways we did not even realize until visiting there.
In addition, there is a unique need in that community for a church to serve teens and their families with the gospel of Jesus. Connecticut is an area underserved by the church with a small population of Christians, thus there are few there to engage the brokeness, often characterizing the teen years.
Finally, there is a church in this community with a vision to impact Hartford, and CT as a whole, for Christ. My position at the church is the culmination of about 5 months of emails, phone calls, and conversations. Christ Community started in 2004 as a new church in West Hartford. It grew out of a bible study of about 8 people who were commuting to a church in Manchest (45min. away). The purpose of Christ community is to present an authentic vision fo biblical Christianity by planting churches through CT, where people delight supremely in God.
My job with the church has three primary aspects: working with the teens and their families; shaping the philosophy and strategy for the children's ministry; helping oversee youth and children's ministries at multiple sites as the church grows. I have some ideas of what this will be like, but I'll get a much better idea once we head there.
Going into this work there are three primary needs that we have: friendship (ministry can be lonely and we need people to stay in touch with us and remind us that we are a part of Christ's body); prayer (only God, working by his Spirit can change us and those we serve); financially (the church has asked us to raise 40% of our salary for the first 3 years of ministry).
This is just a quick overview of what is in store for us. If you would like some more information on what we are doing or would like to be involved contact us: We will continue to update on the blog and will also be sending out monthly prayer requests and quarterly newsletters to those interested.
Saturday, August 18, 2007
high stakes poker

Thursday, August 16, 2007
public transport makes me work

Monday, August 6, 2007
back then out again
Saturday was a low key morning. We went shopping (tax free in TN for weekend) before we had our final fundraising gathering. It was encouraging just to share what we are headed towards and where God is leading us. In working on various details it is easy to loose sight of why God is leading us to CT and what he is calling us to do. Hillary's friends (whom I am getting to know better now) were encouraging as they asked thoughtful questions and prayed for us at the end. We were both glad to have gone down though it was a little sad towards the end as Hillary said goodbye because we're not sure when we'll be back in Nashville.
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
what to say...

Presently, we are in St. Louis but are headed to Nashville this weekend. I've been back in St. Louis a week and it has been pretty hectic. We've been looking at houses in Hartford and have so far considered three potential houses, one of which we put a contract on, but it didn't work out. Hillary and I both are feeling the weight of so much uncertainty looming before us. Thus, it has been difficult to connect to each other. Sunday afternoon I was up and she was down, while Sunday night I was down and Hillary was up. (almost funny in retrospect)

Monday, July 23, 2007
Zoom, zoom, zoom - kinda

Tuesday, July 17, 2007
cheese, brats, and beer
Thursday, July 12, 2007
minis, meetings and some mayham
Friday, July 6, 2007
internet malfeasance and fun on the 4th

Friday, June 29, 2007
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
busy with details and some fun shopping

I think the orange is pretty cool but somewhat invasive, so my main options are the green or the blue. If you have some incredible insight feel free to let me know.