Monday, December 22, 2008
overdue but worth the wait...

Tuesday, December 9, 2008
ultra sound
Monday, December 1, 2008
getting on track
Monday, November 24, 2008
turkey birthday
Monday, November 17, 2008
driving through the night and Admiral Stockdale

Monday, November 10, 2008
eating our way through the day

Monday, November 3, 2008
the communion of the saints

Monday, October 27, 2008
pregnancy, rappelling, excitement

Another fun part of this week was taking some teenage guys from church and teaching some outdoor skills, one of which was rappelling. All three of them took the leap and safely descended. I love to share this kind of stuff with others.
Lastly, this was my first Sunday serving communion and leading worship, all of which was pretty cool. At some points it was a little difficult to connect with what I was doing, because I was trying to remember the various things I needed to say, as well as not drop the commuion plate or something like that. It turned out well though, and I am looking forward to being regularly involved in those aspects of public worship.
Friday, October 24, 2008
ordination part 3
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
ordination continued

Monday, October 20, 2008
I do
Monday, October 13, 2008
working and resting

Monday, September 29, 2008
one for now, maybe both ends later

Monday, September 15, 2008
ka-boom, but hopefully not

It is really strange as to how I can feel somewhat lost without my computer, as I am unsure what to do next. I know there were some emails I needed to respond to. I distinctly remember documents I had to print out, and I find myself remembering all these files which I would love to access today. Regardless of how my computer situation works out this is an important week as we have our first Youth Group of the fall, start a bible study, resume volunteering at the Elmwood Community Center, and go before Presbytery on Saturday. We had our kick off event for teens this Friday night and had a great time as 7 kids came over to our house and enjoyed a night of recovery from the school overdose they had been experiencing.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
exploding plate

Monday, August 25, 2008
planes, trains, and automobiles

Monday, August 11, 2008
concert central and goodbye

Monday, August 4, 2008
Mt. Washington
Monday, July 28, 2008
loving the outdoors and a good book

Tuesday, July 22, 2008
a few pics to summarize

Monday, July 14, 2008
time in NY

Monday, July 7, 2008
in between

Monday, June 30, 2008
a fun week
The team from Alabama lead a children's program in the North End of Hartford, helped train children's ministry workers, and connected with people at our church. The children's program went well after we figured out that we needed to move the start time from 9am to 11:30am.
Five teenagers from our church participated in the Hartford Project, also serving in the North End of Hartford. There were about 140 of us from 10 different churches who, through various service projects, prayer, and loving the community were able to make an impact on a really tough part of the city. It was exciting to be a part of and see God work. There are many neat stories which I will hopefully relay in future posts, but as I had a full week last week, this week I'm going to the poconos with my family for the 4th of July.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
graduation thoughts

Monday, June 16, 2008
half-way up the mountain

Monday, June 9, 2008
Vacation and a jump into the river

Jumping into a river: That is what it feels like coming back into town. There is this flow of events and activities rushing towards June and we feel like coming back we have hopped in and are being carried along in the current. There is a mix of anxiety and excitement as we head into two weeks full of good but challenging things. I've written about most of this in our most recent news letter, so if you haven't gotten that and are interested, let me know. The main thing I didn't mention is that I am preaching this Sunday. This is exciting but adds a lot to my week. Pray for Hillary and I as we try to navigate the next two weeks.
Monday, May 19, 2008
So which is it?

Friday, May 16, 2008

Monday, May 12, 2008
Boston and mixed resolution
This Saturday we took some teenagers from church (it ended up being 3) to Boston. It was a fun time traveling around the city but somewhat strange to look back on the day and realize we had not necessarily accomplished a lot. I'm still figuring out what sorts of activities work for this youth group and are worth the time/effort of planning. The three pictures are: boston in general, ride on the water taxi, Quincy Market.
There are two other areas of life we're we are woking on resolution: Hillary's knee and our day off. In talking with some different doctors, doing some reading, and thinking about Hillary's symptoms it seem like she has not re-torn her meniscus, but potentially has arthritis. We're still talking over our options and running the details by some various people, but it seems like we won't be headed towards surgery on her knee.
The other matter we're trying to figure out is how to spend my day off. Sundays and part of Saturdays I'm busy doing work type stuff, so I take Thursdays off instead. This works fine overall but it gets complicated when I think about what it means to rest. It is real easy to not stop moving on Thursdays - working in the yard, painting in the house, running errands, and trying to do something fun with Hillary. Sometimes I can wake up on Thursdays, not looking forward to the day. But, if we don't do some of this stuff on Thursdays then there isn't a good chunk of time to do so. I'm not sure about doing the yard work, house projects, and errands on Sunday because that is the Sabbath - even though I "work" doing church type stuff. So far we haven't come up with any clear solutions.
Monday, May 5, 2008
birthday, camping, and the attributes of God

Monday, April 28, 2008
a kinda crazy Sunday

Friday, April 25, 2008
life and landscaping

Monday, April 14, 2008
a mixture of the normal and tragic
The tragic part of this week occurred when two teenagers in West Hartford middle schools committed suicide. The boys, both 8th graders at different middle schools in this district, took their lives a day apart. A friend at church, who is a language teacher, had one of the boys in his class and was telling me about the diversity of reactions among the students: some girls who didn't even know him were falling apart emotionally, while others exhibited an almost morbid curiosity. He said that overall there was just a heaviness in the school. We were talking, wondering about how God might use this in the lives of students and families in the area.
I was able to see this mixed reaction to these suicides as I helped chaperon a middle school dance this Friday night. Some kids had pictures of the teens around their necks, while others had "R.I.P." or their friends' names written on their clothes. Some kids were visibly upset while others seemed unaffected. My guess is that for many of these students and their families they don't what to make of this tragedy and how to deal with the reality of this sort of loss. In all of this I see the need for Jesus' comforting love and strong hand.
Here is a link to a story run in the local paper concerning the suicides.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
crashing down
Here are three other things going on with us:
1. I got a cool video game when I traded some others in and it has been hard to exercise self-control and not play too much.

This may seem kinda silly, but it brings back some great memories of college.
2. I had a good time in Jackson, MS last week as I traveled to a conference there with Al (Sr. Pastor at our church). It was great to spend time with him and just have a shared experience outside of working together. The conference was focused on encouraging pastors in the use of the ordinary means of Grace. Basically, the idea is that God tells us a few simple things by which we receive his grace (through understanding the bible, taking the sacraments, and praying). We were encouraged to continue in our focus of these and to pursue living which accords with God's character of love and holiness. This may sound simple, and in some ways it is, but it was encouraging to be reminded of my task here in CT. There are all sorts of things I could do, but I need to stick to what God says and trust that he will work. It is actually very freeing.
3. It has been sunny and in the 60's here. I am wearing flip flops, cooking on the grill, and in an overally happy condition.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
our faith based kitchen
Monday, March 17, 2008
before and after

On a totally different train of thought, we went to the Opera this Tuesday night and it was a lot of fun. The singing and acting worked very well together and there was a lot comedy to the production. The venue was cool and we were in the third row on stage right. It was a good time and I didn't fall asleep.
Monday, March 10, 2008
people and the opera

Monday, February 25, 2008
working through and waking up
Going into the sermon I wasn't that nervous, which was strange. As I preached I felt like I wasn't connecting and was concerned about going over my time limit. I got a little mixed up in my head at a point or two and felt somehwhat dissapointed coming out of the pulpit. But despite my kinda negative feelings or critique of it, God used the sermon in people's lives. People were very encouraging and I was thankful that God worked through me even though I had trouble connecting to it. It was an interesting experience and I am still thinking through it. If you are interested in listening to my sermon, click on this link and you'll arrive at the church website. It is at the top of the list.
The spiritual gifts class, also went well - except for some technological difficulties. My computer generally works well, except for when I'm trying to use it at some sort of public event. Despite my power point presentation freaking out for most of the class, it went really well. It was fun to have this wide range of ages there and to see people interacting and talking about how God has gifted them for his service.
The other thing on my mind happened as I was lying in bed this morning, slowly waking up. I was thinking how easy it is to try to earn God's favor. Regardless of how often I remind myself and others that God loves his people because of Christ, and not because of what we do - it is so easy to live otherwise. I want to know the freedom of simply being cherished because of what Christ has done.
Monday, February 18, 2008
fish, hats, and intimidation

The third big thing going on with me is that this coming Sunday I am preaching at church. It is a great opportunity, but I'm definately feeling intimidated. The passage I'm preaching on is from 1 Peter 5:5-11. I'm talking about life beneath the hand of God. I have a lot of different thoughts, but the challenge is to put them together into a cohesive whole. It is easy to get a little nervous and put off working on the sermon, but that only makes things worse. So, I'm off to work on the sermon now and I'll let you know how it works out. (just for fun - when I was getting the picture of this hat from REI.com, I saw a review for the hat which said, "Tip: don't wear with a tee-shirt, it looks funny." I'll have to keep that in mind.)
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Rain, Rain Go Away
Jarrett has had alot on his plate trying to learn quickly children's ministry while maintaining his other responsibliites. He loves the many things he is doing but trying to juggle while running a marathon is rather difficult to say the least! Hence, I (Hillary) have taken over the blog for this week. So he is on the learning curve trying to be wise and discen what is urgent and what is important and how long to spend on different things. Meanwhile I am trying to not fall into a cooking rut, learn to be content in the mundane and to be faithful in my studying for the counseling exam. I generally love my flexible schedule and am excited to see where God is leading me.
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
after school activities

Monday, January 28, 2008
a little work on the side...

Friday, January 25, 2008
ordination - not yet

Monday, January 14, 2008
a New Nephew and other things

Besides this bit of news life has been pretty uneventful. I am coming to an end of my ordination studying. I am generally prepared for this saturday and just need to work on my sermon a little more. It was a pretty full weekend ministry wise - having teens over on Friday night (only one ended up coming but we had a great time playing Settlers of Catan). Saturday morning was guys bible study then getting ready to teach the teens on Sunday morning. I'm beginning to settle into somewhat of a rhythm and it feels good. It worked out that I was able to go climbing and kayaking last week - it was great!
Monday, January 7, 2008
ordination status - positive neutral